Post-Bariatric Surgery
Full Body Aesthetics After Weight Loss
Obesity and the individual with this condition undergoing surgery results in rapid weight loss, which then leads to sagging skin. Overweight people experience some distortions in their body during the process of losing weight.
In almost every part of the body; sagging and looseness can occur in the face, neck, breasts, arms, hips, groin, and thighs.
The quality of the skin is the main reason for these distortions. The problem is the reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer and the tightness of the skin. The skin could not adapt to this and becomes loose. Collagen and elastic fibers in the skin, which provide the skin's flexibility, expand and elongate with weight gain. If the weight loss process happens very slowly, these fibers can gradually shorten and return to their old shape. Pregnancy could be an example of this.
This excess skin on the body can lead to difficulty choosing clothes, a poor quality of life and ultimately social isolation
Post-bariatric surgery is performed to eliminate these deformities that occur after losing too much weight. With this method, the aim is to remove the bad images after weight loss by returning the body to the desired shape.

Who is a candidate for post-bariatric surgery?
To perform post-bariatric surgery, the patient must reach the target weight with the roadmap laid out for him through diet, sports and obesity surgery. In addition, the patient's weight must be stabilized after bariatric surgery. This process takes about 6 to 18 months. If weight loss continues rapidly after surgery, sagging and looseness may reoccur.
What sets post-bariatric surgery apart from other body-shaping surgeries is that there are deformities in almost every part of the body due to rapid weight loss. These patients are operated on more than once and in several sessions.
What sets post-bariatric surgery apart from other body-shaping surgeries is that there are deformities in almost every part of the body due to rapid weight loss. These patients are operated on more than once and in several sessions.
Any healthy person can undergo bariatric surgery, however, if there are diseases that can affect surgery, body shaping surgery can be performed after they are under control.
Depending on the type of surgery performed after weight loss surgery, patients may have vitamin deficiencies and low hemoglobin levels in the blood.
These are all important factors for wound healing, vitamin, protein and blood levels must be at normal levels for these wounds to heal quickly and properly.
In addition, smoking is an important factor that negatively affects wound healing. Quitting smoking at least three weeks in advance ensures better wound healing and acceptable future scarring.
Before surgery, the person who has completed the weight loss must have reached their basal weight. Detailed examinations should be done by the doctor before surgery.
It should be known that this operation would be performed in a few sessions.
Apart from this, routine blood tests and anesthesia tests are performed as in all surgical procedures.
The person's drug use, illness, etc. should be shared with their doctor.

How is the surgery planned and performed?
It is not possible to complete post-bariatric surgical body shaping in one session. For this type of surgery, a tailor-made combination is made and the surgery is planned.
When planning surgery for sagging skin, a surgical plan is made by classifying the regions within themselves.
Waist and abdominal area
When planning these operations, it is decided from which area to start after research. In general, however, this operation is preferred by many patients first. Abdomen, waist and hips to fully straighten. However, these operations are usually not performed in one session.
Full abdominoplasty
Correction of laxity in the muscles, if necessary
Stretches and prostheses for slackening and flattening in the hip area can be used.
Arm and chest area
Due to sudden weight loss, breast tissue loses significant fat and tends to sink down quickly. In the post-bariatric period, this is accompanied by the arm and back region. Depending on the patient's needs, arm lift, breast lift and sagging behind the bra can be performed in the same session.
However, depending on the condition of the breasts, a silicone prosthesis may be added to breast lift surgery or the operation may be performed in a few sessions. Depending on the patient's condition, the doctor decides during the examination.
Leg area
The sagging excess skin on the upper parts of the legs is collected on the inner side of the legs. Here, the longitudinal scars are hidden in the inner region of the facing legs. This operation can also be performed in combination with a tummy tuck.
Face lift
After slimming operations, serious injuries can occur in the eyebrow, chin and neck region, in this case the operation to be performed is the same as the classic facelift operation, the operation starts with the incisions made in front and behind the ear, facial skin and neck skin lifted, the subcutaneous tissues and skin are tucked behind the ear. Excess tissue is removed and sutured. In addition, the eyebrow area is hung upwards. The scars are hidden in front of and behind the ear. A facial corset is worn for about three weeks after surgery to prevent blood pooling under the skin, and these corsets also allow the new facial skin to form.
This operation is sometimes supported with fillings, depending on the patient's condition.
Hip lift
One of the areas that negatively affect women after weight loss surgery is the hip region. The hanging parts here create difficulties when choosing a dress. In the operation to be performed, it starts with an incision that is made from the waist area. This incision can be hidden under underwear. As the hip skin opens upwards, the hip tissues are supported and shaped with the excess tissues in the waist area. Patients are advised not to lie on their back for a few weeks until the wound heals, these surgeries are usually not performed in the same session as an abdominoplasty.
Post-bariatric surgery period
Surgeries are performed under general anesthesia and take between 2-4 hours depending on the procedure to be performed.
If the muscles under the skin are involved during the operation, the patient may stay in the hospital for two or three days so that he can walk more comfortably.
If the muscles under the skin are not touched, a one-day hospitalization is sufficient.
Patients can take short walks in the room after a certain amount of time on the first day of surgery.
It is recommended to use a corset for 6 weeks to make the postoperative remodeling specific to the treated area more prominent and reduce faster in surgical edema.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Mehtab,
Regards Mehtab,